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Chorus in Action

Ioannou Centre, 66 St Giles', Oxford

Chorus in Action Workshop

A day-long workshop exploring contemporary dramatic approaches to the ancient chorus and chorality. Supported by TORCH and the APGRD, this workshop will bring together musicians and composers, theatre and movement directors, academics and students. Using ancient and modern texts, ideas of what constitutes a chorus in the modern world and on the modern stage will be raised and tested throughout the day, initiating what will be an ongoing conversation on the potential of choral performance.

Two sessions will be led by four current theatre and music practitioners: Helen Eastman (twice Director of the Cambridge Greek Play and Artistic Director of Live Canon), Matthew Evans & Matt Ryan (Directors and Co-founders of theatre company Gameshow) and Daniel Saleeb (freelance Composer and Sound Designer)

The workshop will be followed by a lecture from Dr Renaud Gagné (Pembroke College, Cambridge and Co-editor of Choral Mediations in Greek Tragedy) at 5pm in the Outreach Room on ‘The astral chorus revisited: Marcus Argentarius (AP 9.270), Nonnus of Panopolis (Dionysiaca 25.429), Euripides (Electra 467)'


10.30  - Registration - tea/coffee
11am  - Workshop I – Gameshow and Daniel Saleeb

1pm - Lunch

2pm - Workshop II – Helen Eastman
4pm - Discussion

4.30pm - Tea

5pm - Lecture - Renaud Gagné (Pembroke College, Cambridge): ‘The astral chorus revisited: Marcus Argentarius (AP 9.270), Nonnus of Panopolis (Dionysiaca 25.429), Euripides (Electra 467)'

Please contact Lucy Jackson with any queries.