Inclusion and accessibility are the APGRD’s core values, and we aspire to advance these values in all that we do.
We strive to improve the diversity of our research networks and communities via the speakers we invite, and the researchers, practitioners, and institutions we hire, partner with, and support and collaborate with.
There are no restrictions on who can consult the APGRD’s archive and library collections, and we are now focusing our efforts on employing digital tools to enhance and widen access to our collections and research outputs.
The APGRD advocates an inclusive and multi- and inter-disciplinary approach. We aim to create a diverse international community by engaging and collaborating with artists across the performing and audiovisuals arts and with experienced and emergent researchers from a wide range of disciplines including classics and ancient world studies, performance studies, comparative criticism, and translation studies.
We provide directors, writers, actors, choreographers, and composers with a space to come together with academics, students, and the public. Our projects typically entail both local and international partnerships; and we are committed to producing free online educational resources and to hosting fully-accessible public engagement events.
We welcome all feedback on how the APGRD can be made more accessible and/or inclusive; please contact us.
The APGRD is overseen by an International Advisory Board of scholars, theatre professionals, archivists, and public historians, who meet regularly to advise on our policies, projects, and future plans.