APGRD General collections
The APGRD holds over 10,000 archive items that capture traces of modern performances based on Greek and Roman drama and epics. They provide the raw materials for future scholarship and creative endeavours.
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Archive catalogue
Displaying 221 - 230 of 12651
- Archive itemId: 628
A Hundred Years of the Cambridge Greek Play
Collection: APGRD General CollectionFormat: Souvenir programmeYear: Associated ancient authors: Aeschylus, Sophocles AKA Sophokles, Euripides, AristophanesAssociated ancient works: Agamemnon (Aeschylus), Aias (Ajax) (Sophocles), Alkestis (Euripides), Antigone (Sophocles), Bacchai (Euripides), Birds (Aristophanes), Clouds (Aristophanes), Elektra (Euripides), Elektra (Sophocles), Eumenides (Aeschylus), Frogs (Aristophanes), Hippolytos (Euripides), Ion (Euripides), Iphigenia among the Taurians (Euripides), Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers) (Aeschylus), Medea (Euripides), Oedipus the King (Sophocles), Oedipus at Colonus (Sophocles), Peace (Aristophanes), Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis) (Sophocles), Wasps (Aristophanes)Associated productions: Oedipus Tyrannus (1949), Ion Revisited (1890), Elektra (1883), Women of Trachis (1983), Electra (1977), Medea (1974), Birds (1971), Hippolytus (1968), Oedipus Tyrannus (1965), Clouds (1962), Antigone (1959), Bacchae (1956), Agamemnon (1953), Oedipus Colonus (1950), The Frogs (1947), Frogs (1936), The Oresteian Trilogy of Aeschylus: Agamemnon; Choephoroe; Eumenides (1933), Bacchae (1930), Peace (1927), Electra (1927), Birds (1924), The Oresteian Trilogy (1921), Oedipus Tyrannus (1912), Wasps (1909), Eumenides (1906), Birds (1903), Agamemnon (1900), Wasps (1897), Iphigenia in Tauris (1894), Ion (1890), Oedipus Tyrannus (1887), Eumenides (1885), Birds (1883), Ajax (1882), Electra (1980), Oedipus the King (1881), Alcestis (1882), Agamemnon (1880), Antigone (1939) - Archive itemId: 9855
A jolt of pure rage
Collection: APGRD General CollectionFormat: PhotocopyContent: reviewYear: Associated ancient authors: Sophocles AKA SophoklesAssociated ancient works: Elektra (Sophocles)Associated productions: Electra (1997) - Archive itemId: 5382
A juicy main squeeze
Collection: APGRD General CollectionFormat: Print-outContent: reviewYear: Associated ancient authors: AeschylusAssociated ancient works: Agamemnon (Aeschylus), Eumenides (Aeschylus), Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers) (Aeschylus)Associated productions: Mourning Becomes Electra (1991) - Archive itemId: 10851
A king-size dilemma
Collection: APGRD General CollectionFormat: Print-outContent: websiteYear: Associated ancient authors: Sophocles AKA SophoklesAssociated ancient works: Antigone (Sophocles)Associated productions: Antigone (2006) - Archive itemId: 11705
A knockout of epic proportions
Collection: APGRD General CollectionFormat: Newspaper cuttingContent: reviewYear: Associated ancient authors: EuripidesAssociated ancient works: Bacchai (Euripides)Associated productions: The Bacchae (2007) - Archive itemId: 13798
A Lament for Medea
Collection: APGRD General CollectionFormat: Print-outContent: websiteYear: Associated ancient authors: EuripidesAssociated ancient works: Medea (Euripides)Associated productions: A Lament for Medea (2009) - Archive itemId: 13889
A Lament for Medea
Collection: APGRD General CollectionFormat: Print-outContent: reviewYear: Associated ancient authors: EuripidesAssociated ancient works: Medea (Euripides)Associated productions: A Lament for Medea (2009) - Archive itemId: 14502
A Lament for Medea
Collection: APGRD General CollectionFormat: LeafletYear: Associated ancient authors: EuripidesAssociated ancient works: Medea (Euripides)Associated productions: A Lament for Medea (2009) - Archive itemId: 13340
A Latin play at Melbourne
Collection: APGRD General CollectionFormat: Print-outContent: newspaper articleYear: Associated ancient authors: PlautusAssociated ancient works: Mostellaria (The Haunted House) (Plautus), Aulularia (The Pot of Gold) (Plautus), Rudens (The Rope) (Plautus)Associated productions: Rudens (1884), Mostellaria (1881), Aulularia (1887) - Archive itemId: 9385
A Libertação de Prometeu: Rascunhos da Comuna
Collection: APGRD General CollectionFormat: Print-outContent: websiteYear: Associated ancient authors: AeschylusAssociated ancient works: Prometheus Bound (Aeschylus)Associated productions: A Libertação de Prometeu: Rascunhos da Comuna (1997)
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