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1.3 Date
1.5 Media
3.1 Content
journal article
4.1 Conditions of Access
refer to archivist
4.2 Conditions of Reproduction
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6.1 Archivist's note
Cahiers du Gita, no.12: La Tradition Créatrice di Théâtre Antique, pp.113-134
Associated productions
- Phædra and Hippolitus (1707)
- Horestes (1550)
- Medea (1767)
- Elektra (1910)
- Medea (1856)
- Hecuba (1761)
- The Fatal Legacy (1723)
- Antigone (1931)
- Lysistrata (1931)
- Prometheus (1929)
- Medea in Corinth (1872)
- Agamemnon and Cassandra; or Prophet and Loss of Troy! (1868)
- The Birds of Aristophanes (1846)
- Prometheus; or Man on the Rock! (1865)
- Orestes in Argos (1825)
- Antigone; or, Theban Sister (1824)
- Antigone; or, Theban Sister (1821)
- The Royal Suppliants (1781)
- Iphigenia (1699)
- Agamemnon (1738)
- Orestes' Furies (1599)
- Agamemnon (1599)
- Circe (1677)
- The Tragedie of Orestes (1609)
- Antigone (1581)
- Ajax Flagellifer [a planned performance] (1564)
- Jocasta (1566)
- Elektra (1883)
- The Golden Fleece; or, Jason in Colchis and Medea in Corinth (1845)
- Phaeton; or The Fatal Divorce (1698)
- Creusa, Queen of Athens (1754)
- Oedipus (1678)
- Ion (1836)
- Electra (1988)
- Oresteia (1926)
- The Trojan Women (1919)
- Antigone Travestie (1845)
- Antigone (1841)
- Ion (1994)
- Phoenician Women (1995)
- Ion, the Lost Boy Found (1994)
- The Oresteia (1981)
- Antigone (1845)
- Trachinians (1776)
- Œdipus Tyrannus (1776)
- Philoctetes (1720)
- Hippolytus (1720)
- Oedipus Rex (1912)
- Iphigenia in Tauris (1912)
- Bacchae (1908)
- Medea (1907)
- Electra (1906)
- The Trojan Women (1905)
- Hippolytus (1904)
- Hecuba (1827)
- Alcestis (1824)
- Orestes (1821)
- Heracles (1818)
- Oedipus Tyrannus (1806)
- Electra (1951)
- Oedipus Rex (1945)
- Oedipus Tyrannus (1714)
- Oedipus Tyrannus (1821)
- Alcestis (1809)
- Agamemnon (1880)
- Persai (1965)
- The Trackers of Oxyrhynchus (1988)
Associated ancient plays
- Agamemnon (Aeschylus)
- Agamemnon (Seneca)
- Aias (Ajax) (Sophocles)
- Alkestis (Euripides)
- Antigone (Sophocles)
- Bacchai (Euripides)
- Birds (Aristophanes)
- Herakleidai (The Children of Heracles) (Euripides)
- Elektra (Euripides)
- Elektra (Sophocles)
- Eumenides (Aeschylus)
- Hekabe (Hecuba) (Euripides)
- Herakles (Euripides)
- Hippolytos (Euripides)
- Ion (Euripides)
- Iphigenia among the Taurians (Euripides)
- Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers) (Aeschylus)
- Lysistrata (Aristophanes)
- Medea (Seneca)
- Medea (Euripides)
- Oedipus the King (Sophocles)
- Oedipus at Colonus (Sophocles)
- Oedipus (Seneca)
- Orestes (Euripides)
- Persai (Persians) (Aeschylus)
- Philoktetes (Sophocles)
- Prometheus Bound (Aeschylus)
- Thyestes (Seneca)
- Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis) (Sophocles)
- Ichneutai (The Trackers) [fragment] (Sophocles)
- Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women) (Euripides)
- Trojan Women (Euripides)
- Argonautica (Apollonius Rhodius)