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Medea, a performance history (ebook)

Cover of the Medea ebook, featuring six tarot-style cards depicting various scenes from the Medea myth
Title page of Medea and Empire
Page on Colonialism from the Medea ebook
A page from the Medea ebook on South African performances.
Title page of Medea the witch
Page on Medea in Colchis
A page from the Medea ebook with a recorded performance.
Title page of Medea and the black sea
A photo of archival items related to Medea, scattered across a table.
Fiona Macintosh, Claire Kenward, and Tom Wrobel

    Medea, a performance history is the first of the APGRD's interactive/multimedia eBooks. The eBook draws on a unique collection of archival material and research at the APGRD and uses images, film, unique interviews and digital objects to tell the story of a play that has inspired countless interpretations, onstage and onscreen, in dance, drama and opera across the globe from antiquity to the present. 

    1. Medea and the Black Sea 
    1. Medea and Empire  
    1. Medea the witch 
    1. Medea the woman 
    1. Medea and mind 
    1. Medea the performer