Start date
Production Media
- Choreographic work (dance, ballet, mime, dumbshow, performance art etc.)
- Opera, Musical, and related genres
Associated ancient works
Libretto: Ortensio Mauro, 'L’Alceste. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi di-nuovo nel Theatro [sic] d’Hannover, l’anno 1679. Per ordine dell’ altezza serenissima di Madama Benedetta Henrichetta, Duchessa di Brunsvich, e Luneburg, nata Principessa Palatina del Rheno' (Hanover: Wolfgang Schwendiman, 1679). This drama per musica was based on a reworking of L'Antigona delusa da Alceste (Venice, 1660; librettist Aurelio Aureli, composer Pietro Andrea Ziani: Production ID 7463). The libretto follows the source closely. The comic element is retained. The production incorporated four ballets: of satyrs, of furies, of Moors, and of forests. Dramatis personae: Alceste, Admeto, Trasimede, Antigone, Meraspe, Eurilla, Trineo, Hercole, Orindo, Lesbo, Plutone, Cloto la Parca, Mercurio. The opera was performed on the request of the Duchess of Brunswick.
The libretto for L'Alceste was set again by either Nicolaus Adam Strungk or Marc'Antonio Ziani for Hannover in 1781 (Production ID 10569). Both versions of L'Alceste libretto for Hanover served as a model for Handel's opera Admeto (Production ID 6778).
The libretto for L'Alceste was set again by either Nicolaus Adam Strungk or Marc'Antonio Ziani for Hannover in 1781 (Production ID 10569). Both versions of L'Alceste libretto for Hanover served as a model for Handel's opera Admeto (Production ID 6778).