Ovidius in Exsilio review : 'A classic work brought to life' |
Print-out |
Ovidius in Exsilio review : 'Ovid and the slave girl' |
Print-out |
Ovidius in Exsilio review : 'Poetry for the stranded souls' |
Print-out |
Papers in Mudd Library |
Listing |
Payvand Theatre - information |
Print-out |
Payvand Theatre - information |
Print-out |
Penelope Retold_Ticket |
Ticket |
Pennisi, Francesco |
Personal notes |
Performance Space 122: medEia by Dood Paard |
Programme |
Performances of Greek Drama at Wellesley, Massachusetts |
Production chronology |
Performances of Greek Drama at Wellesley, Massachusetts |
Production chronology |
Performances of Greek Drama at Wellesley, Massachusetts |
Production chronology |
Performances of Greek Drama at Wellesley, Massachusetts |
Production chronology |
Performances of Greek Drama at Wellesley, Massachusetts |
Production chronology |
Personal notes by Michael Hackett |
Personal notes |
Personal notes by Michael Hackett |
Personal notes |
Personal notes by Michael Hackett |
Personal notes |
Personal notes by Michael Hackett |
Personal notes |
Phedre: Third Programme |
Print-out |
Phormio |
Programme |