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Creative Collaborations

Collaborations with creative practitioners are fundamental to the APGRD's research activities. We provide directors, performers, writers, choreographers, and composers a forum in which to come together with academics, students, and the public. Widening access to our research and our collections, these collaborations also exemplify our commitment to practice-based-research and dynamic knowledge exchange. The range of collaborative projects, residencies, and partnerships include:

Cultural Programme / TORCH funded projects

The APGRD collaborates in numerous projects funded by the University of Oxford's Cultural Programme and TORCH (The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities), most notably:

Artists in Residence

The APGRD welcomes creative practitioners (choreographers, playwrights, directors, performers, designers) to engage with our research and our collections in order to develop new creative work and promote knowledge exchange by testing academic theories and offering practice-based opportunities for our graduate and undergraduate students.

Creative partnerships

We have officially partnered with a number of creative artists (APGRD Artist Associates) and the following theatre companies who have drawn on the APGRD’s resources and research in order to deepen their own creative engagements with performance texts and practices inspired by works from ancient Greece and Rome.

Gardzienice, Ośrodek Praktyk Teatralnych

Album cover for Gardzience's Metamorfozy

The APGRD has been partnered with Gardzienice European Centre for Theatre Practices (Poland) since September 2013. Founded in 1997 by Włodzimierz Staniewski, Gardzience has produced five Greek/Roman productions: Metamorphoses, Elektra, Iphigenia at Aulis, Iphigenia in Tauris, and the Pythian Oratorio, and developed a new performance language, inspired by ancient Greco-Roman iconography, musical fragments, and the texts on which the productions are based.