Ioannou Centre, 66 St Giles, Oxford
A one-day hybrid colloquium convened by Fiona Macintosh (Oxford) and David Ricks (KCL) in honour of Professor Michael Silk. The event will be in-person, held in the Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, and will also be available to join via Zoom. A few speakers will present online.
Please register here to attend in person - booking essential, places will be limited. Please note that attendance is free although a financial contribution of £10 will be required for lunch on the day.
Please email if you would like to join this colloquium online, via Zoom.
10:30 Coffee and registration
11:00 Welcome: Fiona Macintosh (St Hilda's, Oxford)
11:15 Panel one
Chair: Oliver Taplin (Magdalen College, Oxford)
- Michael Clarke (NUI Galway): ‘I am a word of science: a case study of the classical tradition at work’
- Richard Rutherford (Christ Church, Oxford): ‘Poetics of prose: a case study in Herodotus’
- Andrew Laird (Brown University): ‘Humanist Latin as a language of literature’
13:00 Lunch
14:00: Panel two
Chair: Margaret Williamson (Dartmouth College)
- Boris Maslov (University of Oslo): ‘“To see the world like an ancient Greek”: the category of (Welt)anschauung in nineteenth-century classical scholarship'
- Sebastian Matzner (King’s College London): ‘What’s the meta- with you? Poetic language and metapoetics’
15:15 Coffee break
15:45 Panel three
Chair: Nick Lowe (Royal Holloway University of London)
- David Hopkins (University of Bristol): ‘Clarissa’s speech in Pope’s The Rape of the Lock’
- William Fitzgerald (King’s College London): ‘Decorum, euphemism, and sex’
- Edith Hall (University of Durham): ‘Goats and Beyond: Thoughts on early Greek tragedy’