A one day conference exploring Seamus Heaney's relationship with the Classics.
Registration will be £20 (or £15 for students) - the registration fee includes lunch and a drinks reception.
Please register online at the University Stores Website.
10.00 am: Registration and Welcome
10.30 – 11.15: Neil Corcoran (Liverpool), “Early allusions: Antaeus on the Move”.
11.15 – 12.00: Rowena Fowler (Independent Scholar), “Heaney and Hesiod”.
12.00 – 12.45: Bernard O’Donoghue (Oxford), “Heaney and the Language of Pastoral”.
12.45 – 2.00: Lunch
2.00–2.45: Rosie Lavan (Oxford), “Watchmen and Watching Women: Seeing Things in ‘Mycenae Lookout’”.
2.45 – 3.30: Lucy Pitman-Wallace (Theatre Director) in conversation: “Door into the Dark: Staging Burial at Thebes”.
3.30 – 4.00: Tea and Coffee
4.00 – 4.45: Peter McDonald (Oxford), “‘Weird brightness’ and ‘the shaded bank’: Human Chain and Virgil”.
4.45 – 5.30: Rachel Falconer (Lausanne), “‘That quick unburdening’: Heaney and the descent to Hades in Virgil”.
5.30 – 6.15: Drinks reception
6.15 –7.15: Performances by Live Canon