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Book Launch: Translating Ancient Greek Drama in Early Modern Europe (15th-16th Centuries)

Malika Bastin-Hammou, 
Giovanna Di Martino, 
Cécile Dudouyt, 
Lucy Jackson
Nunn Hall, Room 421, 20 Bedford Way, London, WC1H 0AL
Research project

Book Launch: Translating Ancient Greek Drama in Early Modern Europe (15th-16th Centuries), edited by Malika Bastin-Hammou, Giovanna Di Martino, Cécile Dudouyt and Lucy C. M. M. Jackson - a University College London event.

Presentation by the editors Malika Bastin-Hammou (Grenoble), Giovanna Di Martino (UCL), Cécile Dudouyt (Paris 13), Lucy Jackson (Durham), followed by a response from Fiona Macintosh (Oxford, Director of APGRD) and Sarah Knight (Leicester). Celebratory drinks to follow! 

The event is free but registration is required: register online via Eventbrite

For further details about the event and the new volume, please see the UCL event page