Ezra Baudou, APGRD (Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama), University of Oxford; Anne-Violaine Houcke, HAR (Histoire des Arts et des Représentations), University of Paris Nanterre.
Scientific committee
Ezra Baudou (University of Oxford), Anne-Violaine Houcke (University of Paris Nanterre), Barbara Le Maître (University of Paris Nanterre), Fiona Macintosh (University of Oxford).
References to Greco-Roman antiquity in Europe between the two World Wars were abundant: first the 'Classical' served the idea of 'a return to order' considered by some as necessary after the heresies of the pre-War avant-garde; it then went on to be manipulated by both Fascist and Nazi ideologies. This conference explores how, by reinventing antiquity through working with ruins both politically and poetically, artistic processes as well as works of theatre and cinema record the historical and artistic consequences of this trauma in Europe. While this research is initially rooted in classical reception and theatre and cinema studies, the conference intends to enter into dialogue with other fields including archaeology, aesthetics, political sciences, anthropology, and media theory. The aim is to study these processes from 1945 to the present where these traces continue to be detectable in the works of artists in Europe.
22 Novembre 2021 / 22 November 2021 (Day Two)
- Location: 2 rue Vivienne, 75002 PARIS – Salle Vasari (1er étage / 1st floor)
- ID réunion Zoom / Zoom Meeting ID: 843 7042 7722 - Code: RUIN
NB. All times are local Paris Time (CET; GMT +1 hour)
Heure française / Paris time:
9.15-9.30: Accueil des participants - Welcome
9.30-9.45: Introduction
9.45-11.15: body and lisibility / corps et lisibilité
Respondent/Modération: Barbara Le Maître, Université Paris Nanterre, Études cinématographiques
- Quelle scénographie pour le cinéma moderne? (S. Daney) L’envers du décor (Italie, France, Allemagne) (Anne-Violaine Houcke, Université Paris Nanterre, Études cinématographiques)
- Quelqu’un a-t-il déjà entendu soupirer des pierres? (W. Herzog). Du corps à la ruine (et retour) (Jeremy Hamers et Lison Jousten, Université de Liège, Études cinématographiques)
- Among the Ruins of Words. Active/Passive reception of ancient myths in theatre (Malgorzata Budzowska, University of Lodz, theatre studies, classical reception)
11.15-11.45: pause / break
11.45-13.00: remaking and repetition / reprise et répétition
Respondent/Modération: Ezra Baudou (University of Oxford, APGRD, Theatre Studies)
- Singing Ruins: cinema and musical iterability in Philip Glass’ Orphée (1993) (Zoë Jennings, University of Oxford, Classics)
- Le Mépris: un Solde de l’Olympe? (Marc Cerisuelo, Université Gustave Eiffel, Études cinématographiques, Esthétique)
13.00-14.30: déjeuner / lunch break
14.30-16.00: nature and anthropocene / nature et anthropocène
Respondent/Modération: Clare Finburgh-Delijani, Goldsmiths University of London, Theatre Studies
- De la ruine comme métamorphose cinématographique de la vanité: Robinson in Ruins, à la recherche d’une image « naturelle » (Marianne de Cambiaire, Université d’Aix-Marseille, Études cinématographiques)
- La ruine antique comme véhicule d’un renouvellement descriptif de la figuration du paysage au cinéma (Pollet, Huillet et Straub, Robbe-Grillet) (Lucas Lei, Université Paris Nanterre, Études cinématographiques)
- Au temps de la mise en ruine des écosystèmes, de nouvelles dramaturgies pour le théâtre antique? (Quentin Rioual, Université Paris Nanterre, Études théâtrales)
1600-16.30: pause / break
16.30-17.30: plenary / plénière
Respondent/Modération: Fiona Macintosh, University of Oxford, APGRD, Classical Reception
- Location: 2 rue Vivienne, 75002 PARIS – Salle Vasari (1er étage / 1st floor)
- Zoom Meeting ID / ID réunion Zoom: 843 7042 7722 - Code: RUIN
- This is day two of a two-part conference; day one was held on 2 April 2021 (Oxford) - online only, via Zoom