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Classical Theatre and the Middle East

Jacqueline du Pré Music Building, St Hilda's College, Oxford

On Friday 12 July, the APGRD will host a one-day conference on Greek drama and the 'classic(s)' in the Arab-speaking world and Iran, co-organised by Fiona Macintosh and Raphael Cormack (Columbia), in St Hilda's Jacqueline du Pré Music Building. There will be an accompanying exhibition in the JdP foyer, curated by Raphael Cormack and supervised/hung by Claire Kenward (APGRD).

The conference will be followed by a free performance of Jogging, inspired by Euripides' Medea, by Hanane Hajj Ali.

Please register via the University of Oxford Store website. There is a fee of £20 (£15 concessions for students, unwaged and over-60s), which includes lunch and a reception. If you would like to attend the performance of Jogging only, please register by emailing A copy of the script for Jogging is available for those attending: please email to sign up for an electronic copy.