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Ruth Webb

Advisory board

Ruth Webb is currently Professor of Greek at the Université Charles-de-Gaulle Lille 3 and a member of the UMR 8163, Savoirs, Textes, Langage. She has been Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of History, Classics and Archaeology at Birkbeck College, London and held teaching positions in the Department of Classics at Princeton (1994-2001), the Greek Department at the Université Paris X-Nanterre (2005-2008) and was most recently visiting Professor in the History of Art at Nanterre. She has also worked closely with the APGRD on the reception of ancient drama in Graeco-Roman antiquity. 

Selected publications

She has published Demons and Dancers: Performance in Late Antiquity (Harvard University Press, 2008) and Ekphrasis, Imagination and Persuasion in Ancient Rhetorical Theory and Practice (Ashgate, 2009) in addition to many articles on rhetoric, theatre and dance in the Imperial period and in Late Antiquity.