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Micha Lazarus

Research Associate
A headshot of Micha Lazarus standing outside, smiling.

Dr Micha Lazarus is Senior Lecturer in English at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is the author of two books: Leon Modena's Kinah shemor (Pisa, 2023), on the bilingual soundscape poetry of a polymath rabbi in seventeenth-century Italy, and Alexander Nowell's Rough-Book: The Life and Library of a Reformation Humanist (The Bibliographical Society, forthcoming), an economic microhistory of the mid-Tudor book market. He is currently working on a new history of Aristotle’s Poetics in Renaissance England, and a large-scale anthology entitled Reformation Literary Criticism. He is General Editor of Sources in Early Poetics (Brill) and one of the principal editors of Literary Criticism of the English Renaissance, a major new multi-volume anthology under contract with OUP. He is also a commercial barrister and a member of the Bar of England and Wales. 

Selected publications

Leon Modena's Kinah shemor (2023), Alexander Nowell's Rough-Book: The Life and Library of a Reformation Humanist (forthcoming).