Lorna Hardwick is Professor Emerita of Classical Studies at the Open University, UK and an Honorary Research Associate at the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama, University of Oxford. She is (with Professor James Porter) the academic editor of the Classical Presences Series and the Postclassical Interventions Series (both Oxford University Press) and was the founding editor of the Classical Receptions Journal and of the open access online journal Practitioners’ Voices in Classical Reception Studies. She was the founding convenor of the Classical Reception Studies Network (CRSN) and of the Classics and Poetry Now Network (CAPN). She developed the Open University Reception of Classical Texts Research Project and has published extensively on Homer, Athenian cultural history, Greek Tragedy and Poetry and its modern receptions, and on Translation theory and practice.
Her publications include Translating Words, Translating Cultures (2000), Reception Studies (2003, also translated into Greek, with 2nd edition in preparation), Classics in Post-Colonial Worlds (2007, edited with Carol Gillespie), Companion to Classical Receptions (2007, edited with Christopher Stray), Classics in the Modern World: A ‘Democratic Turn’? (2013, edited with Stephen Harrison). She is joint editor, with Professor Elizabeth Vandiver and Professor Stephen Harrison, of the Oxford University Press digital and print project Oxford Classical Reception Commentaries (OCRC), which is the focus of her current research. Most recently she has co-authored two books with Stephen Harrison and Elizabeth Vandiver: Greek and Roman Antiquity in First World War Poetry: Making Connections, and Rupert Brooke, Charles Sorley, Isaac Rosenberg and Wilfred Owen: Classical Connections (both 2024, Oxford University Press). For further publications, see Lorna Hardwick's publications>>